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*All of my Lead Classes* are Free - Check the calendar for class dates/locations
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EPA Fact Sheet For EPA RRP
You can apply online to get your EPA Firm Certification - Below:
Details on Certification Requirements for Firms
Ohio Lead Abatement Training Requirements:
States Lead Abatement Training Requirements:
Change to application process effective September 15, 2015
EPA will no longer offer the option of submitting lead program applications by mail. This applies to all individual, firm and trainer applications required by EPA’s lead renovation and abatement programs. After that date all applications, payments, updates and certificate replacement requests will be done online using the Agency’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) system.
What is target housing?
Target housing is defined in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) as any housing constructed before 1978, except housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities or any 0-bedroom dwelling. However, target housing does include pre-1978 housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities, if any child under age 6 resides or is expected to reside in such housing.
16 enforcement actions On November 14, 2012, EPA announced for violations of the lead-based paint Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP)
December 19, 2014 - EPA announced 62 enforcement actions
Civil Penalties:
Highest: The Complaint seeks a statutory maximum penalty of up to $37,500 for each of the 101 alleged violations.
Lowest: In accordance with the Enforcement Response and Penalty Policy, and in consideration of the respondent’s inability to pay a penalty, Hometown Painting, Inc. will pay no penalty for the alleged violations. Also, in the CAFO, Hometown Painting, Inc. certifies that it is in compliance with Sections 402 and 406 of TSCA and 40 C.F.R. Part 745. Additionally, the respondent agrees that, before performing any renovations for compensation on target housing and child-occupied facilities, it will apply for and obtain EPA certification; and ensure that all individuals performing renovation activities on behalf of the firm are certified renovators or trained by a certified renovator.
Other fines range between: $1,008 to $60,000. Under the Micro-Business pilot, significantly reduced penalties are offered to respondents who have annual sales or gross pre-tax revenue of $300,000 or less.
* HUD Updates and Awards
* Ohio Department Of Health Lead Prevention http://www.odh.ohio.gov/odhPrograms/dspc/lp_prev/lp_prev1.aspx
* Ohio Admimistration Lead Codes http://codes.ohio.gov/oac/3701-32
* EPA Initial Training Manual http://www2.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2014-05/documents/initial_renovator-student_oct2011_0.pdf
* EPA Refresher Training manual http://www2.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2014-05/documents/refresher_renovator-student_oct2011_0.pdf
* Locate a Certified Renovator Lead Home | Lead in Paint, Dust, and Soil | US EPA
Watch this video discussing the RRP Rule and showing how a contractor can remodel, repair or paint a home the lead-safe way
Report Uncertified Contractors and Environmental Violations
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or the Agency) announced its federal enforcement actions completed from October 2017 through September 2018 to protect the public, especially young children, from exposure to lead in paint. The cases involved alleged noncompliance with at least one of the Agency’s lead-based paint requirements: the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule; TSCA’s Lead-based Paint Activities Rule; and the Residential Lead-based Paint Hazard Reduction Act’s Section 1018 Lead Disclosure Rule. This year’s lead-based paint enforcement actions included civil administrative settlements, civil complaints and default orders by EPA; and civil judicial settlements and criminal prosecutions by the U.S. Department of Justice. Several cases resulted from referrals, tips and complaints from state/local authorities, consumers and others, including referrals related to children with elevated blood-lead levels. Also, EPA obtained commitments in settlements to perform lead-based paint abatement projects.The dollar categories reflect the civil penalty; or the civil penalty plus the value of, or funding commitments for, any projects to address lead-based paint. On this page:
Report Uncertified Contractors and Environmental Violations
Report Uncertified Contractors and Environmental Violations
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Report Uncertified Contractors and Environmental Violations
Lianna Development Corporation
650 Eva Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44306, United States